miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

Earth, Wind & Fire - Boogie Wonderland

Esta canción es del grupo norteamericano Earth, Wind & Fire. El tema es de 1979, y aparece en el álbum "I am".

Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.
Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.

Mid-night creeps so slow-ly in-to hearts of men
Who need more than they get.

Day-light deals a bad man to a wom-an
Who had laid too man-y bets.

The mir-ror stares you in the face and says,
"Ba-by, uh, uh, it don't work."

You say your prayers though you don't care.
You dance and you shake the hurt.

Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.
Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.

Sounds fly through the night,
I change my vi-nyl dreams
To boo-gie won-der-land.

I find ro-mance
When I start to dance
In boo-gie won-der-land.

I find ro-mance
When I start to dance
In boo-gie won-der-land.

All the love in the world can't be gone.
All the need to be loved can't be wrong.

All the rec-ords are play-ing,
And my heart keep say-in',
Boo-gie won-der-land, won-der-land.

Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.
Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.

I find ro-mance
When I start to dance
In boo-gie won-der-land.

I find ro-mance
When I start to dance
In boo-gie won-der-land.

Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.
Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.

(se ponen a payasear)

All the love in the world can't be gone.
All the need to be loved can't be wrong.

All the rec-ords are play-ing,
And my heart keep say-ing,
Boo--oo-gie won-der-land, won-der-land.

Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.
Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.

I find ro-mance
When I start to dance
In boo-gie won-der-land.

I find ro-mance
When I start to dance
In boo-gie won-der-land.

Dance, boo-gie won-der-land.
Dance, boo-gie won-der-land

(No sé de donde saqué la letra, pero más o menos cuadra toda, que la he cuadrado.)

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1 comentario:

Belén dijo...

Mira que es bueno este grupo, eh?

Y con clásicos!
